
Reiki is a healing technique which channels life force energy that activates the natural healing process of the body and restores physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra offers deep relaxation and the opportunity to rewire the minds connection to old belief patterns that are no longer serving you. Through the guided meditations of Yoga Nidra, you gain deep insights into the self by moving through the five Koshas.

Akashic Records

Readings in the Akashic Records are a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, and emotions. The Akashic Records can bring clarity to relationships you may be struggling with.


Are YOU ready to start your journey to a healthier, happier more balanced YOU? A desire for change is the first step toward healing. Form Energy Therapy offers many services to start you on that healing journey.

Reiki offers stress reduction, relaxation, promotes peaceful sleep, provides mental, emotional, spiritual and physical healing on all levels and brings about a sense of peace and wellbeing.

Yoga Nidra is an ancient restorative practice also known as Conscious Sleep. In this state, the body is deeply relaxed and the mind is awake with only a trace of awareness. While in this place of relaxation, you become the observer and are able to understand hidden information about you. The creation of a positive statement (sankalpa) is used to create changes in old thoughts and beliefs. This practice leaves you feeling relaxed and at peace. By practicing Yoga Nidra regularly, one is able to heal themselves by moving energetic blockages in the physical body and allowing prana to balance the energy body, resulting then in deep relaxation and ultimately the bliss state.

Readings in the Akashic Records open you up to your soul level truth. You will have a greater awareness of your souls purpose in this lifetime and a greater understanding of mental or emotional patterning, beliefs, past life influence and relationships that are not in alignment with your true self. The Akashic Records can bring clarity to the areas in your life where you lack growth.

Uncovering YOU is a beautiful process and the treasure you will find along the way is priceless. Visit Form Energy Therapy and awaken YOUR light within.


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